Group 4 Film Opening

Thursday 20 March 2014

Mahalia John, Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Audience appeal

How we appealed to our Target Audience of 16-24 year olds with our film opening:

We chose to make a film in the comedy genre - comedy is one of the most popular genres among 16-24 year olds so our film is more likely to be popular.
Survey of 26 16-24 year olds, Comedy is the most popular genre
Relatable, British, teenage characters - Michael and Tris are both representative of our primary and secondary audiences; our audience will easily relate to them and enjoy watching them.

Following genre conventions - We followed almost every convention of teen romantic comedies so that our film was easy to watch and was enjoyed by our audiences who prefer to watch light-hearted films with friends.

London Setting - The London setting appeals to all audiences nationally and globally as London is seen as the cultural hub of the UK and is symbolic of the UK.

Role reversal - By reversing male and female gender representations we give our audiences a new and refreshing look at teenage life in the UK, this is part of our USP.

Montage editing - The panning montage in our opening sequence sets up the fast-paced, quirky tone of the film which appeals to our audiences; it is also a nod to one of our influences Edgar Wright who is popular among 16-24 year olds.

Cinematography - The establishing shot of a London suburb is aesthetically pleasing and will appeal to audience members who value the way a film looks.

Enigma Codes - Our film opening sets up lots of questions such as why did Lara leave Michael for Brad? These make our audiences want to keep watching to find out the answers.

Uses and Gratifications Theory

To appeal to our primary and secondary audiences, 16-14 year old males and females, we researched and used Katz and Blumler's Uses and Gratifications Theory. This is a prezi explaining what we found and how we used it:

Audience Feedback

To find out what our audience thought of our film opening we created and conducted an online survey using We posted links to both the survey and our film opening on Facebook and asked people to complete it. These were the results from 34 people:

Screenshot of our post on facebook inviting people to take part in the survey
Q1: Age of audience

Our audience mainly consists of 16-24 year olds
Q2: Gender of audience

Our audience is roughly half male and half female which are our primary and secondary audiences
Q3: Audience enjoyment

Most of our audience enjoyed our film
Q4: Would audiences watch the rest of the film, based on it's opening

Most of our audience would watch the rest of Michael
Q5: Audience cinema going habits

Most of our audience go to the cinema every 3 months
Q6: Comments

Most of the comments left were positive and commented on the humour, cinematography, editing and style of our opening

Overall our film opening was well received and most of our audience wanted to watch the rest of the film. This proves that our efforts to appeal to and attract our primary and secondary audiences worked.

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